the traveller

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i am a writer with my own style. i laugh a lot especially when i get to write the things i love like my travel, food i devour and tasted, music i ran into and poems connecting me to my soul. I get to write thoughts and reflection of my personal life.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Simple Potato Treat!

While I am suffering from this pinky-eyed monster thing, there is nothing left for me to do but cook, eat, check my inbox and browse some important documents. Cooking with both my eyes in pain made me forget for awhile that I have an ailment going on for six days.

Here's my simple corned beef potato topper.What I did was just to boil two medium size potato, 3 fried sliced corned beef (Hormel), fried minced onion, and quickmelt cheese. Although I could have mixed green peas but loose the courage to buy outside. I just used ingredients that I have inside the fridge. And after all the ingredients were prepared, I placed it in a plate ready for baking (using microwave oven.) Whola!!! I just had a sumptuous dinner treat!

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