the traveller

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i am a writer with my own style. i laugh a lot especially when i get to write the things i love like my travel, food i devour and tasted, music i ran into and poems connecting me to my soul. I get to write thoughts and reflection of my personal life.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018



Lately I learned that not all people will appreciate who and what you are;
Lately I learned that your goodness will never be good to people who dont love themselves;
Lately I learned that no one knows yourself but you;
Lately I learned that love is never enough to fill other peoples' emptiness;
Lately I learned that we have to let go of people to pave way for someone better if not best;
Lately I learned that nothing and no one can make you happy but yourself.

So cry till you eyes get dried up;
So bleed till nothing is left but none;
So shout till your voice cracks;
So get angry till your numb.

Bid goodbye to what was and had been;
Don't look back and never waste your heart to anyone but yours.

Art by: @uberlybia

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